PDCA cycle-Plan -Do-Check-Act

W.Edwards Deming proposed that business processes must be subjected to analysis and measurement to find out the sources of variation that cause pdcaproducts to deviate from the customer requirements.He proposed that business processes must be placed in a continuous feedback loop so that it becomes easy to identify and change the parts of the process that need improvements.This cycle is known as the “PDCA CYCLE

PLAN : This step is about establishing the objectives and processes required to achieve results as per expected output.Here,the expected output becomes the focus.

DO: Now,this step is about implementing the new processes which we had planned.

CHECK: Without measurement there can be no improvement.This step is about measurement of the new processes and comparisonĀ  of the results against the expected results to find out differences if any.
ACT : This step is about analyzing the differences and determination of their causes.Determine where to apply changes that results in improvements.